Leadership 101
This program is designed to develop team spirit and bonding among employees and improve productivity,
engender peaceful industrial relations thus increasing corporate results and improve team effectiveness.
This is broken down into:
This program is designed to develop team spirit and bonding among employees and improve productivity.
The participants should expect learning outcomes such as:
- Do we need to build a team?
- Understand the process and stages of team building and bonding.
- Communicate the same purpose and message.
- Practice your team member roles.
- Give constructive feed forward.
- Choose team leader.
- Resolve conflicts.
This program is designed to engender peaceful industrial relations thus increase corporate results.
The learning outcome for this course will include:
- Learning how to follow.
- Understanding organisational values.
- Matching personal visions with organisational values.
- Adopting corporate commandments according to your personal values.
- Applying empathy in handling poor performances.
- Developing strategy plan.
- Resolve conflicts.
This program is designed to improve team effectiveness.
For this course, the learning outcome includes but not limited to:
- Learn how to culture the desired team values.
- Establish golden rules for team members' engagements.
- Align words and deeds with a winning team culture.
- Design job enrichment programs.
- Use constructive feedback from peer evaluations.
This course takes managers beyond the conceptual ideas of teams, but provides practical advice for
developing groups with interdependence in their work and their knowledge to become winning teams.
The learning outcome for this program will include:
- Learning the type of leadership needed to guide teams successfully
- Preparing managers for the challenges that arise with managing teams
- Understanding the 3 cornerstones' model for developing team success and provide how-to strategies to
make them happen
- Discussing the types of teams that are growing in popularity: self-directed teams, project teams, task teams
- Gaining tools, tips and anecdotes about interpersonal communication, conflict resolution, problem solving,
group decision-making, meetings and goals